In the Forests of the Night is a vampire novel written by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, and published in 1999. Originally entitled White Wine, she wrote it at the age of 13, and an English teacher helped her to publish it. It was applauded as "Insightful...and imaginative" by Publishers Weekly and "remarkable" by Voice of Youth Advocates.
The book is set in and around the author's home town of Concord, Massachusetts and in the realm of Nyeusigrube. It centers on the story of the transformation of the innocent Rachel into the vampire Risika, and her 300 year-old conflict with Aubrey, which started when he "killed" her twin brother Alexander. The title refers William Blake's poem "The Tyger", which appears in the beginning of the book. Atwater-Rhodes second book, Demon in My View, was published when she was 16 and is the sequel to In the Forest of the Night.